In this life, everything looks greener on the other side, and fashion makes no exception. I find on my travels that people always seem to want what they don’t have.. Italian cashmere in Africa, African fur in America, American plaid in the UK – no one seems to ever stick to what they can offer themselves. Flying between the States and the United Kingdom, I can sample the taste of both places’ fashion, and it amazes me how highly we think of one another’s style. The ‘fashionistas’ of the UK will experience the same level of excitement at the opening of a Hollister store as the American’s do at the opening of a local H&M. People line up at the door in excitement to sample the best of European style, unknowingly, the Brits are doing the same thing 4000 miles away, waiting to get they’re slice of American pie. So why is it that we can’t seem to appreciate what we’ve got? And does this not only apply to fashion but to other things in life also? The amount of money we have, our assets, our jobs, our relationships.. In a world where we always want more, will we ever learn to appreciate?
(Hollister Store opening, Cardiff, UK, 2011)