You may remeber when power-poppers Sing It Loud fractured in 2010 under the weight of creative differences. After a brief time doing some solo acoustic recording and a move to the 'Big Apple' the Sing It Loud guitarist, Kieren Smith, has put together Little Bombs with Take Cover drummer Derek Johnson.

Don't expect this record to be poppy/ happy/ feel good music; this is true alternative indie rock with a sincere passion for making good honest music. With one of their big influencers being Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) you know this record will bring the passion.


So many artists write happy feel-good music constantly and I just don’t buy it. Life is a gigantic fucking roller-coaster. It goes up and down. For a lot of people, when it’s up, it’s way up and when it’s down, it’s extremely painful. - Kieren Smith


You can download their LP for $1 (or more if you aint poor) on their bandcamp. Read their Track By Track of their album on Property of Zach.


Here's their official video for "Back Home"


Songs to listen to: Back Home, Don't Walk My Way, Feel This, Cold Winter.