INSPIRERs Music of The Week (Week 1 - Indie Folk)


For anyone who has ever known me, know that I have an intense love with Indie Folk music. I have it playing all day, every day. I make it an every week dedication to finding new songs, that I normally will play over twenty times in one day. I'm talking, same song, on repeat until I could recite all the lyrics (which I also read over potentially three times by the end of the 24 hours). It's a passion of mine, and something that I've done for as long as I can remember. It's not my only taste in music, however, it's what drives me to be inspired, emotional and motivated. For years, I struggled connecting with my emotions. I had a difficult time expressing myself, however, music changed my life (Explosions in the Sky specifically), I felt as if I was able to understand it better. It allowed me to feel, and connect in a different way. Some days, I'm feeling like I need some rock and roll or rap to get me up beat and on my feet, other days, I need my indie folk to bring me back down to where I'm home. 

That being said, I felt as if it would be an awesome experience to make a weekly piece based on the music that I discover throughout the week. The songs that influenced me, or motivated me, maybe just to influence or motivate you too. So, let's do this! There is a Spotify link by every song, so if you would like to add it to your playlist, go ahead! Week 1 is dedicated to the Indie Folk music that I've discovered throughout the last two weeks. Some of them connected with how I was feeling, the others just influenced me to be inspired that day. 

1. Eyes On You - Hey Marseilles (Spotify Link)

2. This Is Why I Need You - Jesse Ruben (Spotify Link)

3. Oh Lord - Wrongonyou (Spotify Link

This one is a personal favourite and I would highly recommend. 

4. Underground - Cody Fry (Spotify Link

5. A Better Place, A Better Time - Toh Kay (Spotify Link

6. Meet Me In The Woods - Lord Huron (Spotify Link

7. The Careful Ones - Paper Knees (Spotify Link

8. Pinky Swear - Into It. Over It (Spotify Link)

9. Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups (Spotify Link

This is a classic for me, however, I could listen to it over and over again. If you haven't heard it, you need to. 

10. Porcelain - Tow'rs (Spotify Link

This song is absolutely breathtaking, and had me hooked instantly. 

That's it for the week, but you like this, comment and let us know you do! Tell us what your favourite song was, what type of genre of music of the week you would be looking for, and what inspires you. 

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