Band Of The Week: We Were Promised Jetpacks

I was listening to a radio playlist for Shakey Graves when this band popped up, my instant thought was “Is this a new version of The Smiths?”. I was taken back by how I was instantly connected to their music and had to listen to more. Often, I’ll hear a song I like but when I listen to the rest of their music, it doesn’t hit the same. We Were Promised Jetpacks was totally different, every song had a different vibe to it. Every song hitting totally different than the one before, and was completely captivating. I thrive off music making me feel something deeper, and they are that.

We Were Promised Jetpacks are a Scottish Indie Rock Band from Edinburg, they formed in 2003 by Adam Thompson, Sean Smith and Darren Jackie.


The first song that caught my attention was Its Thunder and It’s Lightning. This is where you can hear The Smith comparison, with a Scottish tint instead of English.

We Were Promised Jetpacks - Its Thunder And Its Lightning

The next song I was drawn to was Quiet Little Voices, now this one I felt more was similar styles to Two Door Cinema Club, which I appreciated because they also give me a nostalgic feeling.

We Were Promised Jetpacks - Quiet Little Voices

Finally, If It Happens is also a brilliant song that again caught my attention by the variety of different styles each song has.

We Were Promised Jetpacks - If It Happens

Give them a listen here, and comment below. What is your favorite song?