When scrolling down the pages of, seeing look after look of the same exact outfit (denim shorts and a crop top or a black, lace dress accompanied by a pair of Lita’s) becomes increasingly boring and truly uninspirational.  Nancy Zhang’s looks immediately stand out because she combines her wonderful clothes with breathtaking illustrations, made by her!  Nancy took the time to answer a few questions for us about life, the internet, style, and personal inspirations.

Firstly, When and why did you decide to begin blogging?

I started this blog properly in April 2009. From the beginning I just wanted to post drawings to remind me to work hard. Once, I drew a little illustration beside my outfit look, it was just for fun, I also amazed it became so popular afterwards.

How did you get your start in illustrating and what advice would you give to others who would like to follow in your footsteps?

Keep practicing really hard and pay more attention of your surroundings, find something could inspire you. Good illustrations need strong basic drawing skills and a creative mind. 

Describe your style in 5 words or less.

Idyllic, dramatic, romantic, casual chic.

If you could only wear one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose? 

A White dress with oversized outwear.

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

Anything. It is true. Everything has life in this planet and there is always something that could touch you a lot.

Where are your favorite places to shop and what is one item you can never have too many of?

The vintage shop around Oderberger street and the designers’ shop/buyer shop around  Mulacker street.  If I could, I would buy dresses, as many as I want!

You’ve had lots of your artwork published, what are you most proud of?

 1920s style is my favorite. Also, I enjoyed drawing different expressions of these women:

Finish these phrases:

The best thing to do on a rainy day is...

Read book and draw inside of a big room, coffee shop is good also.

When I’m not working I... 

Must be traveling. 

If I was a mermaid for a day...

 I would make friends with the sea creatures and plot to take over the land mammals and rule over humanity in my new aquatic utopia for a thousand years. 

My secret guilty pleasure is...

watching so many horror movies.

A typical day in the life of Nancy Zhang consists of... 

Wake up, drawing, drink coffee with my friends outside, working.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

 Be a fanatical follower of your dreams.


Nancy's blog can be viewed here.