Normal rules don’t apply… Iris Van Herpen stands for a reciprocity between craftsmanship and innovation in technique and materials. Van Herpen forces fashion to the extreme contradiction between beauty and regeneration. It is her unique way to reevaluate reality and to express and underline individuality. The essence of van Herpen is expressing the character and emotions of an unique woman and to extend the shape of the feminine body in detail. She mixes craftsmanship- using old and forgotten techniques- with innovation and materials inspired on the world to come.

What makes you want to become a designer?
The need of creating and exploring life is a big part of me, I am fascinated byhumans, the world, daily life, love, hate, change, (non) civilisation.Within my work I re-evaluate reality, were normal rules don’t apply for me.My motivation of being a designer lies in channeling the philosophical debat through my creative process itself, as if expressing the journey and the search for answers with cautionary pieces of fashion, constantly chasing conclusions that will never be cought is the whole point.Therefor I combine old craftsmanship with innovation in technique and materials.Designing I see as a form of art with a clear goal; to please our insides with beauty and a longing for the undon.
When and how did you came up with the idea of creating your own fashion house?
I saw the academie and my internships as the first little steps of exploring what fashion is and what it can be, by doing that I felt I wanted to go more deep, more personal and less restricted - so starting my own brand was the only way.
Are things going for you the way you have dreamed of them when you first started?
It is going better then I dreamed of. I am independent and free to do what I want, I work together with inspiring people and artists, and get to see more of the world by showing my vision in fashion.Tell me few things about your work?
Movements and the body of a woman are always the startingpoint for me.I like to not have any opinion about reality or verity.Exploring, discovering, shape shifting and experimenting are main for me.Trying to find my new personality by expressing the character of an unique woman and extend the shape of the feminine body in detail. I combine femininity with performance and exclusivity, to express my concept that relates to the mystery of our future.´My dissatisfaction and perfectionism forces me to the extreme reciprocity between beauty and regeneration´ I hope there will be more fashion for a lifetime instead of seasons.
Name me an album, a movie that has inspired your work
Album; sigh no more,Mumfords and sons. film; earth
Do you have a specific trademark for your lamb?
Craftmanship combined with technology
How does Iris Van Herpen's women look like?
A live-life-daring woman with a strong personality and elegance.
What sacrifices have you done for your work?
I gave up dancing, ballet on the pointe shoes was something I loved a lot.
What's your future plans?
To live my life unexpectedly and forget about all small things
Finally, describe me your self with few words!
I am closed to new people, shy in groups, love to be alone, have a lot of opposites in my character,perfectionist, open minded, work-aholic, alergic to routine, and a day-dreamer
Interview by Alexander V.